Tandu Technologies & Security Systems Ltd. possesses extensive experience in the planning and execution of organizational, technological, infrastructure, logistic & strategic consulting & research activities. The Company specializes in cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness studies for systems/organizations/processes, including definition of the research subject, development of research methodologies, establishment of research teams, surveys/reviews, specification of research methodologies, execution of the actual research work and preparation of research/study reports.
Feasibility studies, operational requirements, operations research, system analysis, system engineering, operational/functional characterization, specifications for procurement (RFI, RFP), models & simulations, ILS, LCC, operation, maintenance/logistics, operational & logistic assimilation, interoperability, make-or-buy, cost/benefit, cost/effectiveness, survivability and technology surveys/reviews.
Strategic, administrative, organizational, economic, operational, cost/benefit, cost/effectiveness, psychological, doctrines & concepts, method characterization & assimilation, work plans, master plans, procedures, technical writing, emergency & crisis management, support studies.
Threat assessment, combat doctrines, command concept, concept of operation, intelligence, maintenance & logistics, historic database development & processing, combat scenarios, communication, command & control, logistic scenarios, operational requirements, electromagnetic compatibility, system upgrading.
Selected projects
Emergency Preparedness at Municipalities for the Ministry of Social Affairs & Social Services
Characterization, design and development of an emergency operational doctrine for municipalities; planning and delivery of instruction and advanced training activities on emergency preparedness and on providing services to the population in an emergency by the municipal personnel. The task included the characterization of the need; definition/specification of the connections and interaction with the national emergency layout and IDF; definition/specification of instruction and advanced training processes; development of presentations; actual delivery of the advanced training activities; concentration of lessons and upgrading of programs.
2008 | Consulting & Research Services , Preparing for Emergencies & Maintaining Business/Functional Continuity
Establishment of the Israel National Road Safety Authority for the Ministry of Transport & Road Safety and the Government of Israel
Characterization, design and execution of the process of establishing the new National Road Safety Authority in the context of a task undertaken for the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety in accordance with the Road Safety Authority Law. The task included the definition of the organizational vision; function/position, responsibility and authority definitions; development of a concept of operations for the organization; specification of organizational structures and interactions within the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety and vis-à-vis all other government ministries; development of procedures for the various functions/positions; characterization and definition/specification of the organizational information systems; personnel recruitment and training; planning of wage payment and incentive methods; planning of the organizational budget and budget auditing method; planning of the interrelations/interaction with and assignment of missions to the local authorities; management of the task of training and employing road safety elements within the local authorities; coordination of and support for the process of establishing the new Authority vis-à-vis the government ministries, including the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of the Interior.
2006-2008 | Consulting & Research Services
First Rating Concessioner Tender (Israeli Commercial TV)
Development of the establishment survey and support for the establishment of the Israeli audience research system.
2006 | Consulting & Research Services , Cyber & IT security
Security Consulting to Tadiran
Characterization of technological systems for the civilian security market on the basis of proven military systems by downgrading the systems’ capabilities and using off-the-shelf components.
1998 | Consulting & Research Services , security operational consulting
Technical-Operational Consulting to the Elite, Strauss & Elscint Companies
Close cooperation with the companies’ security officers on the security technologies required in order to secure the companies’ facilities against covert monitoring; installation of covert surveillance cameras and development of procedures; interpretation of the photographic material; testimonies to the law enforcement agencies as required.
1994 | Consulting & Research Services , Operation Service, service level Agreements
Communication Consulting to JNF (KKL)
Introduction of a structural change in JNF’s district with regard to the aspect of communication; preparation of a tender for a new, nation-wide communication layout.