“Safe City” or “Smart City” are different definitions of the same vision. The foundation of this vision consists of improving and raising the personal security and perceived sense of personal security among the city inhabitants while at the same time improving the abilities of the municipal organs to command and manage incidents through the resources available to them, in routine and emergency situations. Additionally, as an outcome of the aforesaid process – improving and raising the service standards offered to inhabitants and casual visitors in all fields of activity and at all levels.
- A municipal command & control center incorporating a command & control system, to which all of the data should be conveyed, in routine and emergency situations, where a decision-making process will take place and out of which clear directives will be issued to the municipal organs, to the local inhabitants and to non-municipal elements that take part in the municipal activity.
- Stationary, mobile, passive and active sensors, permanently installed throughout the municipal territory or installed on mobile platforms or deployed according to a specific need for the purpose of collecting current, real-time information at specific sites and regarding specific activities. Safe city systems may include such sensors and elements as CCTV, distress, public address, alert, surveillance, detection and fire extinguishing, electronic fences, access control, et al. Smart city systems, in addition to the above, may also include such systems and elements as traffic, parking, infrastructure/utility, inventory management, resource management (vehicles, personnel, equipment, etc.), private and municipal consumption control, et al.
- Public service information systems, serving as interfaces for such activities as receiving and providing information between the municipality and the inhabitants, payments, messages, reporting of nuisances and so forth.
- Technological response resources employed by the command & control center as well as by municipal teams on the ground, including lighting, public address and other resources.
- Professional, skilled management, operation, command and control personnel and human response resources in the form of municipal or combined police/ municipal teams performing such tasks as supervision, enforcement and real-time intervention in irregular or emergency situations, including equipment and resources.
- Permanent infrastructures/utilities, mainly communication and electrical, for supporting the various elements of the technological layout.
- Mobile systems, mainly communication systems, for transmitting audio and video data between the field and the command & control center and for enabling voice communication in routine and emergency situations.
- A combined management forum charged with outlining policies, specifying the objectives of the layout and keeping track of the accomplishment thereof, with ensuring full cooperation between the various organs taking part in the municipal operations, with preparing work plans for the layout and updating the plans according to the actual achievements of the municipal layout.
- A security concept, a command concept, an operating concept, work procedures for all levels, concept of operations (ConOps), instruction and training programs, refresher training and work plans.
The primary stages in the process of planning and implementing the technological layout are outlined below:
- Specification of Vision & Objectives
- General vision
- “Boundaries”/jurisdiction
- Participants
- Technological concept
- General architecture
- Infrastructure concept
- Primary objectives
- Qualitative & quantitative criteria
- Development of measurement & evaluation tools.
- Specification of Concept & Requirements, Preliminary Design
- Security & operation review
- Specification of threats & scenarios
- Risk assessment
- Specification of “hot spots” & areas of interest for each point
- Specification of the operational need
- Specification of the security & operation concept
- Specification of the command & management concept
- Specification of the operational requirement
- Specification of the concept of operations
- Preliminary design
- Preparation of system implementation estimates.
- Detailed Design & Procurement
- Detailed design & technical specifications
- Support for the procurement process.
- Management & Supervision
- Management & supervision
- Planning & execution of acceptance tests for the layout elements
- System delivery & acceptance.
- Assimilation & Training
- Preparation of an assimilation plan
- Development of assimilation tools & resources
- Formulation of work procedures and concept of operations (ConOps)
- Preparation of instruction & training programs
- Assimilation
- Instruction & training.
Primary Challenges
The process of implementing a safe city or smart city project presents an extensive range of challenges. Some of these challenges are associated with the concept aspect while others are associated with the technological aspect, the planning/design processes and the implementation processes. Some challenges are well-known from complex engineering projects while others are unique to the municipal realm. The primary challenges associated with such projects are:
- Identifying and specifying the “boundaries” (or jurisdiction) of the layout and the participating elements.
- Identifying the primary risks within the municipal territory and associating them with specific sites.
- Setting achievable objectives and goals.
- Developing and assimilating suitable measurement and evaluation tools.
- Specifying the architecture and technological concept.
- Characterizing and designing a communication and infrastructure architecture.
- Carrying out the design process strictly in accordance with the operational requirements.
- Implementing the project while ensuring optimal compliance with the specification requirements.
- Designing a quality, effective, “open”, modular and flexible solution that would enable future expansion all the way to the complete implementation of the vision.
- Specifying and implementing the interfaces between the municipal organs and elements outside the municipality.
The planning/design and implementation process will include an inbuilt secondary risk assessment process that is to address any factor constituting a challenge or a risk. This secondary process is intended to minimize the risks and cope with the management and technological challenges at the earliest possible stage.
Relevant Experience
Tandu Technologies & Security Systems Ltd. possesses unique and extensive experience in the design and support for the implementation of security and protection systems, traffic control and management systems and various other systems in the municipal realm. Our experience includes the design and management of complex projects in Israel and overseas, in the context of which we provided customized solutions to the unique characteristics and aspects of every settlement (secular/religious, small/large, Jewish/non-Jewish, geographic region, threat characteristics, population characteristics, past events and other aspects).
Relevant examples:
- Preparation of the national tender for technology implementation in the context of the “City without Violence” program for the Israeli Ministry of Public Security.
- About 50 at-risk settlements along confrontation lines and the “seam line”, in the context of a project executed for the Israeli Ministry of Defense and IDF Home Front Command.
- All of the Israeli settlements around the Gaza Strip, in the context of a unique project that includes the examination and implementation of a Radar system as part of the technological solution.
- Astana, Capital of Kazakhstan.
- Tegucigalpa, Capital of Honduras.
- About 90 municipal and regional authorities in Israel.
Safe city customers
Safe city projects
safe city project – Eastern Jerusalem
2015 | Security and Ifrastructure systems engineering , safe city
City without Violence Projects
City without Violence Projects Projects on various scales at some 90 municipalities in different sectors throughout the State of Israel The projects include the development and preparation of the Special Operational Requirement (SOR) that addresses all of the “hot spots” within the municipal jurisdiction; detailed design and compilation of technical specifications; support for the procurement processes; management and supervision of the system installation and integration processes; system acceptance and assimilation and personnel training. The project is being implemented at numerous municipalities throughout the State of Israel, in the urban, rural, religious and Arab sectors.
2014 | safe city
Safe City / Smart City Project in Astana, Capital of Kazakhstan, for EOC Partners
Risk survey; definition/specification of the operational need and Special Operational Requirement (SOR); definition/specification of the security concept and concept of operations for the security layout; compilation of technical specifications and work directives for the contractors; detailed design for the implementation of security and protection systems at specific sites within the municipal jurisdiction.
2014 | Security and Ifrastructure systems engineering , safe city , security operational consulting
City without Violence Project – Nazareth
Nazareth is a central city serving as a cultural, commercial, business and public service center for a sizable population from the towns, villages and settlements in the area. It is the home of several world-renowned tourist attractions that draw large crowds and encourage public gatherings. Additionally, local criminal and violent political elements aggressively oppose the deployment of security resources. The primary objectives of the City without Violence project are to prevent irregular incidents, establish deterrence, improve the enforcement capabilities of the authorities, minimize local violence and improve the sense of personal security among the local inhabitants. In the context of this project, various areas of interest that had been identified and prioritized by the Municipality of Nazareth were addressed, with the emphasis placed on areas with a potential for violent incidents. The methodology for fulfilling the operational need consists of four primary elements: • A command and control complex, to which all of the end units and sensors deployed throughout the city are connected; • Various types of surveillance cameras and sensors installed at the relevant sites and areas of interest. • Response systems. • Operating procedures and directives for the control center operators and response teams.
2014 | safe city
Design of a CCTV Layout in the context of a Safe City Project for the Municipality of Lod
Characterization, design and support for the implementation of security and protection systems throughout the municipal jurisdiction, including definition/specification of the security Special Operational Requirement (SOR); development of security plans; characterization of the technological solution; compilation of bills of quantities; support for the actual implementation of the systems.
2011-2014 | safe city
Safe City Project in Tegucigalpa, Capital of Honduras, for the NICE Company
Risk survey; definition/specification of the operational need and Special Operational Requirement (SOR); definition/specification of the security concept and concept of operations for the security layout throughout the municipal jurisdiction of Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras – a city with about 1,500,000 inhabitants.