Safe city projects

safe city project – Eastern Jerusalem

2015 | Security and Ifrastructure systems engineering , safe city

City without Violence Projects

City without Violence Projects Projects on various scales at some 90 municipalities in different sectors throughout the State of Israel The projects include the development and preparation of the Special Operational Requirement (SOR) that addresses all of the “hot spots” within the municipal jurisdiction; detailed design and compilation of technical specifications; support for the procurement processes; management and supervision of the system installation and integration processes; system acceptance and assimilation and personnel training. The project is being implemented at numerous municipalities throughout the State of Israel, in the urban, rural, religious and Arab sectors.

2014 | safe city

Safe City / Smart City Project in Astana, Capital of Kazakhstan, for EOC Partners

Risk survey; definition/specification of the operational need and Special Operational Requirement (SOR); definition/specification of the security concept and concept of operations for the security layout; compilation of technical specifications and work directives for the contractors; detailed design for the implementation of security and protection systems at specific sites within the municipal jurisdiction.

2014 | Security and Ifrastructure systems engineering , safe city , security operational consulting

City without Violence Project – Nazareth

Nazareth is a central city serving as a cultural, commercial, business and public service center for a sizable population from the towns, villages and settlements in the area. It is the home of several world-renowned tourist attractions that draw large crowds and encourage public gatherings. Additionally, local criminal and violent political elements aggressively oppose the deployment of security resources. The primary objectives of the City without Violence project are to prevent irregular incidents, establish deterrence, improve the enforcement capabilities of the authorities, minimize local violence and improve the sense of personal security among the local inhabitants. In the context of this project, various areas of interest that had been identified and prioritized by the Municipality of Nazareth were addressed, with the emphasis placed on areas with a potential for violent incidents. The methodology for fulfilling the operational need consists of four primary elements: • A command and control complex, to which all of the end units and sensors deployed throughout the city are connected; • Various types of surveillance cameras and sensors installed at the relevant sites and areas of interest. • Response systems. • Operating procedures and directives for the control center operators and response teams.

2014 | safe city

Design of a CCTV Layout in the context of a Safe City Project for the Municipality of Lod

Characterization, design and support for the implementation of security and protection systems throughout the municipal jurisdiction, including definition/specification of the security Special Operational Requirement (SOR); development of security plans; characterization of the technological solution; compilation of bills of quantities; support for the actual implementation of the systems.

2011-2014 | safe city

Safe City Project in Tegucigalpa, Capital of Honduras, for the NICE Company

Risk survey; definition/specification of the operational need and Special Operational Requirement (SOR); definition/specification of the security concept and concept of operations for the security layout throughout the municipal jurisdiction of Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras – a city with about 1,500,000 inhabitants.

2011 | Security and Ifrastructure systems engineering , safe city