Tandu Technologies & Security Systems Ltd. was established in 1988 by Dr. Eyal Dotan, who currently serves as Company President & CEO.

Since its establishment, the Company has been involved in the planning, engineering, management and execution of projects in such fields as security & information security (cyber), infrastructures & technologies, consulting & research, software, instruction, operation & infrastructures, in Israel and overseas, for government ministries & agencies, municipal authorities, government corporations, private corporations and utility service companies.

The Company’s head office is located in Petach-Tiqva and the permanent personnel is about 80 strong. Additionally, Tandu employs sub-contractors and specialist consultants in specific activities, as required in order to execute a given project, on a large scale, nation-wide and to uncompromising quality standards.

Tandu is capable of supporting the implementation of projects from initiation to final application and assimilation by the user organization, or performing specific missions as part of the process, as required.

Projects are executed with the emphasis placed, among other things, on client/objective-oriented planning, on the use of proven methodologies, risk management, in-process control, product quality assurance, cost/benefit analysis and the assurance of applicability, interoperability and innovation.

The Company CEO, management and consultant team always do their very best to ensure, with regard to each and every mission, accurate implementation in accordance with the requirements, optimal utilization of the project and client’s resources, strict adherence to timetables and providing a top quality solution.

From our customers


Recent projects

safe city project – Eastern Jerusalem

2015 | Security and Ifrastructure systems engineering , safe city

Protection for Solar Power Stations for the French Electric Corporation EDF

Characterization, design and support for the implementation of security and protection systems at installations deployed nation-wide, including definition/specification of the security Special Operational Requirement (SOR); development of security plans; characterization of the technological solution; compilation of technical specifications, drawings and bills of quantities and support for the actual implementation of the systems.

2012-2014 | Cyber & IT security , Security and Ifrastructure systems engineering , security operational consulting

Safe City / Smart City Project in Astana, Capital of Kazakhstan, for EOC Partners

Risk survey; definition/specification of the operational need and Special Operational Requirement (SOR); definition/specification of the security concept and concept of operations for the security layout; compilation of technical specifications and work directives for the contractors; detailed design for the implementation of security and protection systems at specific sites within the municipal jurisdiction.

2014 | Security and Ifrastructure systems engineering , safe city , security operational consulting

Security for the Shanti House Youth Village – Pro Bono Project

Characterization, design, management and supervision of a CCTV and public address system for the Shanti House Desert Youth Village at Tziporim Junction near Sede-Boker. This was a pro bono publico project executed as a donation to the Shanti House, which included assistance from Israel’s leading integrators

2013 | Security and Ifrastructure systems engineering